Episode 6: Your words determine your victory and your reality

Episode 6 March 08, 2021 00:25:11
Episode 6: Your words determine your victory and your reality
Lifes Lessons From God's Word in 3D Surround Audio
Episode 6: Your words determine your victory and your reality

Mar 08 2021 | 00:25:11


Show Notes

Jesus said in Matthew 24: 35.Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. This powerful scripture tells us that the almighty word of GOD will never pass away or be destroyed. Did you know that this saying is true of your words also? Join me in this fascinating study as we look at how our "words" shape our reality and ultimately determine our victory in this life and beyond.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 This podcast is brought to you by Dr. Alfonzo Brown and as a product of guiding life ministries.org. Speaker 1 00:00:09 I came because of your words, your words determine your victory. Daniel 10 and 12 says, then he continued do not be afraid. Daniel, since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. And I have come in response to them beloved. This is an amazing scripture taken from the book of Daniel. In this scripture, Daniel had sent out a prayer because of the decree of the King that all should pray to him. Daniel was being pursued by evil men who wanted to entrap him in the King's decree. He reached out to his God and prayer and God responded by sending an angel. Uh, the additional context of the verse shows that the angel was delayed for 21 days by the Prince of the power of the air demonic force. So this shows that demonic forces can impair our prayers. Speaker 1 00:01:17 To some extent, it also shows that God will eventually prevail as happened here. But the thing I want to draw your attention to is that the angel said to him since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding, and to humble yourself, the angel did not say that since the first day that you spoke, when he said that you set your mind to gain understanding. And so I wanted to focus today on the topic of your words, determine your victory, your words, determine your victory. Beloved. God responds to our words and he rewards our words with power. When they are powered by the Holy spirit words are containers of power and God blesses the words that contain truth God's words. When they have truth attached to them, go out and they accomplish great things because God has given the blessing of truth to the words, similarities. Speaker 1 00:02:19 Similarly, the antithesis of this is a lie lies, have curses attached to them. And so when lies go forth, they bring the curse upon the speaker and also to some extent upon the hearers. So it is important to keep lies from your time because of the curses that are associated with them. Think of the original curse in the garden of Eden. The enemy brought lies to Adam and Eve when they acted upon them, death and sin was introduced into the room. God tells us repeatedly in his words, that by meditating on his word, listening to him and acting on them that we can bring because of the blessings attached to as well. The fact that our words won't power is seen throughout the scriptures, consider what Jesus said in Mark 11 and 24. He says, therefore, I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours. Isn't it interesting that the Lord Jesus, who was God himself said, whatever you ask for, ask, meaning verbalize and prayer, believe that you've received it Speaker 2 00:03:32 And it will be yours. Speaker 1 00:03:35 Now I wanted to point you to another fat beloved. God created, all that is seen and unseen with his words is he, God first creates what is unseen with his internal, his thoughts and God's unseen is then spoken or acted upon. And it becomes his scene. So everything that we see now came from the thoughts of God. Initially, God's thoughts lead to God's words, God's action, God's movement as inscription. And as a result of that, we have the manifestation, both in the supernatural realm and an army. Now, one of the things you probably don't realize beloved is that man is similar to God. And that Nan first creates the unseen with his internal words. And then that becomes the scene through his other expressions of his words. What do I mean? Well, if you compare God and man, we speak through four principle forms, think about it. Speaker 1 00:04:45 You have the ability to make speech words through four principle forms. Now some people might say, well, that doesn't make any sense. What do you mean? Well, I'll show it to you. There are four principle ways in which we speak the first and the one that's most common is verbal speech. So when we give rise to words through speaking with our tongues, that's called verbal speech. The other way is written speech. So we can write things down, contracts, laws, books, charts, diagrams, and these concepts, Crip conveyed by the letters and the symbols are what we call written speech. And it's a very powerful thing. Indeed, our library system, our ability to pass on knowledge before used to consist of oral or verbal speech. But then when we had written a speech, we could hold it and keep it in. It wouldn't fade away. Like the memories of men did as I grew older, the third type of speech is what I call physical speech, physical speeches action. Speaker 1 00:05:54 And actually physical speech is very powerful. You see, because verbal speech can be fixed to lies. So therefore, when we tell a lie, you know, you're not really sure for the hearer, if the lie is true or not, but the physical speech is much more pure in that actions usually indicate the intents of the heart. So when someone acts, it's very hard to disguise what they're trying to do with their actions, because you see the direct result of it. So physical speech is action. So, so far I've defined three forms of speech, verbal written and physical. And I would maintain that the most powerful form, the fourth form is thought speech thought speakers, the inner workings of your imagination and the creation of thoughts. And just to show you how powerful your thoughts are, you can create an entire universe and destroyed within your mind within your thoughts, much more powerful than action speech. Your thoughts and your imagination can take you to the ends of the universe and back. And isn't it amazing how impressive that is? Because even with the ability of our thoughts, we still can't fully comprehend all that is in God, amen to you, God. Speaker 1 00:07:19 Now I'm going to give you some examples of these four principle forms of speech, Proverbs six and two. It tells us about the power of verbal speech. It says you are snared by the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth. No beloved. Sometimes I think we don't give enough credence to the power of verbal speech, but the Bible is saying right here that the words of our mouth in scenarios. So I say, be very careful with what you say. And actually this verse of scripture should make you think twice about what you're saying. Make sure that what you say prospers, even if you're going to be in snared by the words of your mouth, make sure you're in snared, in good things in health and positivity and prosperity in charity and faith in loving kindness. Written speech also is powerful. Speaker 1 00:08:08 Malakai three and 16. Then those who feared the Lord, talked with each other and the Lord listened and heard, and the Lord wrote it down. And he had a scroll of remembrance, was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name. So throughout the Bible, it talks about this book that God, when he writes things now and you know, one might ask, well, why does God need to write things down? I'm not really sure. I think maybe it's because he he's giving him as an example. He wrote down the 10 commandments for us, right? Um, but here it says he has a book, scroll. Things are written in this presence and the names of those who feared him were written in this book. God also uses action speech as do in Matthew 15, verses 18 and 19. It says, but the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart and these things defile a man for out of the heart comes evil. Speaker 1 00:09:04 Thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. Do you notice that a lot of these things, except for the evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander, these are all actions. Action, speech action. Similarly, your actions can be good, kind, loving benevolent. And God says that if your actions are good, that they result in improvement and outcomes and blessings. And finally, the form of speech that is the most powerful is thought speech Mark, 24 and seven characterizes this best. It says for, as you think in his heart. So is he even drink safe? He to the, but his heart is not with so as a man thinketh in his heart. So is he Mark 24 and seven Matthew five, 27, 28 also says, you have heard that it is said you shall not commit adultery, but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman thinks about has already committed adultery thought. Speaker 1 00:10:14 Speech is very powerful because every single word writing or physical action had its predecessor in our thoughts as it is with God. So it is with man. So one of the things about the power of our speech beloved is that our speech was delivered cannot be destroyed. Four. It creates memories, which when observed are eternal, we therefore in essence create our actions, eternal events and they shape our reality. So your current life bears witness to this, what do I mean to love it? Our lives are a manifestation of our speech. Your current reality is created by the sum total of your four forms of speech. Think about it. All right, everything that you experience in life. This is the function of what you say, what you write down, how you act and how you think. And since your thoughts are the Genesis of all the written verbal and physical actions that you take, it is important for you to make sure that your thoughts are disciplined because they will eventually create your reality. Speaker 1 00:11:28 And I tell you, brothers and sisters, everyone who has a reality, this sad and harmful, it traces back to their speech patterns. So the take home message here has changed your speech, change your four forms of speech, especially your thoughts, speech, and you can change your life. This is shown out in science. There's a form of science called epigenetics, which shows that what we think influences the activation of certain genes within our body. So if you want a specific outcome, you need to think or act in a certain way. We know this as bodybuilders. If you lift weights repeatedly, you stimulate changes in the muscle. At the cellular level, it's causes it to hypertrophy and to grow. If you want to increase yourself in knowledge you read in the memory, stored from the information, increases your knowledge, repetition and action in a deliberate way, improves our ability to do a test so well that we can actually do it reflectively without thinking about it. Speaker 1 00:12:31 This is called muscle memory. So why is this important? You see our actions, our thoughts, our speech, and what we write. These are all gifts of God. And they can be used either for good or for evil. And in order to be blessed of God and to grow in God, we must know God and have an intimate relationship with this is key. A lot of us ignore this and we do it to our peril because God desires to have an intimate relationship with us. And when we ignore him or we don't take time to talk to God, we lose out on blessings because I can tell you from my own personal experience, kind of shows me every single day, little tiny things that when you think about family, like, Oh my gosh, I wouldn't have come to that on my own. But there he is your actions, which are proceeded by your thoughts, determine how deeply he will know about you. Speaker 1 00:13:31 See if your actions are that you don't want to spend time with God. Then that means you're not devoting the time to the thoughts that make you want to seek. You have to be intentional in your actions until they result in the desires. So if you're, for example, trying to change a habit, you have to be intentional in your work. Well to change the habit. And they say it's about 60 something days. But over that time, that habit will become a part of you, but it starts with changing your thoughts and your thoughts in turn change your action. So beloved, I say to you change your four forms of speech and you will create a new reality. This starts in your mind, and this is biblical in its nature because God gave us the blueprint in the life of Jesus. You see, Jesus always spoke with God told him he actually didn't speak on his own. Speaker 1 00:14:23 He says this in his word, that everything you have said to me, I've told him. And he also called the disciples, his friends, when he says, because as I hear now, I say it onto you. I don't hide these things from he's. This also demonstrated that everything he wrote, he was the living word. So everything that was written about him and that he wrote while he was here, it was fulfillment of the truth. And that truth, like he said, set, the people free because the blessings associated with the word of God, which goes out and accomplishes the purpose with which God sent him. And finally, when you look at Jesus's thoughts, they're always in line with the father and therefore he had the power of the spirit of God within him. The spirit driven, pleased, the father never deviated, even unto death from the father's will. Speaker 1 00:15:16 And therefore his life, the ultimate sacrifice is a blessing and a testimony to all mankind, forever and ever, and ever. It was the promise that was given to Abraham, that his seed would bless the entire world. So God gives us the keys to obtain this blessing. And it's important that we realize that in order to obtain this blessing, we need to seek out God and it starts believe it or not with your speech, Romans 12 and 22 characterizes that very well. It says, do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, the mind, the center of your thoughts. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will. And this is followed up in Psalms one, one to three, which is a beautiful set of scriptures because it tells you how do we bless? Speaker 1 00:16:17 Let me tell you something beloved. Once you want to be blessed, once you want God, the amazing creator to say this is my child and they are blessed. Well, let me tell you how to be blessed. It says it right in the Psalm, it says blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take mercy in the company of lockers. But whose delight? Here's the point? Listen right here. Yeah. Isn't the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night. Why meditate? Because you have to get the word of God inside of you. It has to take root and you have to communicate with your father through his spirit because by communicating with him and listening to his word, it enables it to grow. And then your actions, your writings, and your thought life, and also the manifestations of the memories that they create and the things that you do this one, well, bless everyone who hears it by living out the principles of speech, your actions, your thoughts, your writings, and making sure that your physical actions, your verbal speech, your writings, and your thoughts all work together. Speaker 1 00:17:41 That is how you live out the manifestation of the blessings of God in your life. And over time on your thoughts conform to the way of God you shall be. As they said in the third part of the song, and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring it forth fruit in his season, his leaf shall never wither and whatsoever he does shall prosper. This is the blessing of the words that bring the blessings from God. So beloved, let me leave you with this. We must realize our speech is powerful and it's powerful because it's creative. Just like the speech of God. It affects the supernatural and the natural world. And once it is created, it is eternal can not be destroyed. It's content is recorded by God and we'll be judged. And our thoughts and speech manifest them ways that are determined by our actions. What's in our heart and what we say. Speaker 1 00:18:46 So here's the call to action brothers and sisters, as I outlined in Philippians four, verses six through nine, be careful with nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your request be known unto God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ and finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are, just, whatever things are, pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are, good report, get it. If there'd be any virtual. And if there be any praise, think on these things. Wow. A lot of effort to think on these things. And why is that? Because these things which you have both learned and received and heard and soon seen in me do, and the God of peace shall be with you. The God of peace shall be with you. Speaker 1 00:19:41 So in verse seven, it says, and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and mind. But when you think on these beautiful things in verse nine, it says not only will be blessed and keep your hearts and minds, but that he will be with you. So beloved as I'm about to leave you. Now, I want you to have, and take this peaceful calming thought and act upon as you go through your day, I want you to observe the things that happened to you and what you should do is when God shows you something, some little thing to be thankful for give thanks right away. Start your day saying, you know what? I'm going to accomplish this thing today because it's going to make me happy or it's going to make somebody else happy and go out and do that. I try to do this every single day. Speaker 1 00:20:29 I set one goal that is going to bring me joy might be I'm going to go visit my kids. I'm going to hug my wife. I'm going to write that book that I needed, or I'm going to exercise. But once I wrapped my mind, my heart, my soul, my thoughts around that thing, I go ahead and do it. And then I give praise to God. Before I give praise to God during I give praise to God after make this your pattern every day. And what you're going to find is, as you're leading up to that, you're going to be peaceful, calm, and happy. Cause you're looking forward to it with anticipation while you're doing that thing, you're going to be happy because you're accomplishing it. And when you're done with that thing, you're going to be happy because you'll be praising God, your father, for his blessing to enable you to accomplish this, do not let another day go by brothers and sisters, where you do not seek out something to do to bless either yourself or others in giving, and then give God thanks before, during and after you do this thing. Speaker 1 00:21:32 And this, my brothers and sisters is the way in which our four patterns of speech, verbal, physical written. And then of course the mental, the thought process worked together and they help shape our reality. Let us use our form forms of speech to create a beautiful reality, both for ourselves and those around us in historic treasures in heaven. Let us pray, father and God. I thank you so much. We'll message that you provided, help us to understand through your spirit, that we are blessed, just like you have to create with our minds, with our deeds and actions, with our speech, we can write and influence generations with what we write. And also we thank you, God that we can speak and give verbal speeches and people can hear. And that our words, our thoughts and our actions and the things that we write once created can never be destroyed because the memories that they engender and create will live on past us and lift the front of the generations. Speaker 1 00:22:43 Oh father, thank you for creating us in your image, blessing us with your spirit and maybe take the content action each day. Looking for those little things that you send us and those big things, looking upon them and stopping and saying, Oh, he loves me so that he provides this. Let me give him thanks. And Oh father, please remind us that if we do get mired in why he does not do for us, we realize that all those times we're going to ask that question. We also need to ask the question, why does he do all that he does for us every single day, beloved father. We thank you. Your peace, your love, your understanding, and your choice involves the song. And we thank you for the hope that is in you in this world. We, as your children give thanks in Jesus' name. We pray Speaker 2 00:23:35 <inaudible>. Speaker 3 00:24:15 Thank you for listening to today's episode of life's lessons in God's word that's life's lessons in God's word. This podcast is brought to you by Dr. Alfonzo Brown, and it's a product of guiding life ministries.org. That's guiding lives, ministries.org. If you liked what you heard today, please feel free to visit our website and please subscribe to our podcast. And if you even like it more, please feel free to share until we speak again. Grabbing may the love of God be with you and his peace, blessings and truth. Follow you, always in the mighty name of the Lord, Jesus Christ by the power of the spirit and in deference and love to our heavenly father. Thank you.

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