Episode 7:The King Who Really Cares

Episode 7 March 12, 2021 00:22:03
Episode 7:The King Who Really Cares
Lifes Lessons From God's Word in 3D Surround Audio
Episode 7:The King Who Really Cares

Mar 12 2021 | 00:22:03


Show Notes

When we look at the history of kings and rulers throughout history, we will often find great rulers who served their people as GODlike figures who were often unapproachable. What is it in man that causes us too long to worship individuals and treat them as GOD on earth? This study analyzes the peculiar behavior of sovereign kings when compared to a sovereign GOD. I think you will find the perfect example of the benevolent king is our loving father, GOD.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:02 This episode of life's lessons in God's word is brought to you by Dr. Alfonzo Brown. And there's a product of guiding life ministries.org. That's guiding life ministries.org, Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The cattle on a thousand Hills belongs to God, you know, beloved. We've all heard these statements before. So then why is it that we treat our earthly Kings and heads of state with more reverence and fear than we do God almighty. It's one of these paradoxes of life. We worship the movie stars and those special individuals. And then we fail to spend time with our heavenly father, the true source of log of life. Join me today, beloved as my explore the topic of our modern day Kings. And we seek to understand why is it that we choose to have kids? Why do we worship themselves? And what can we learn about the character of the most amazing heavenly father, the Trion John Jesus Christ, all hell. We can all hell the King. Isn't an amazing beloved. The way that we as humans seem to always desire to worship things, whether it be money, possessions, sports figures, and then ultimately other individuals that Kings and Queens and heads of state, and yet the most amazing, the most powerful, the most wonderful being the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Most of the time we tend to why is this? Speaker 0 00:02:04 Well? I think if we look at the character of man, we can identify. And then I think if we look at the character of God, we can get some clues as to how our keys should probably true to us. I'd like to take for a topic today to look at the subject of the earthly King. And what does it mean? Now? We know in the Genesis account that we read in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and he created man and all the things there. And it was amazing and quite wonderful what God was able to do. And not only that, after he com created all these amazing things, he gave man, his creation, dominion. He didn't give it to the angels. Didn't give it to anyone else. He gave it to man, what a tremendous responsibility and what a wonderful God, how nice and how kind he was to provide that to me. Speaker 0 00:03:08 And then what did we do with it? It doesn't really say how many days after, but you know, the story, eventually we lost out on our ability to govern because we allowed sin to come into the initial beauty of the garden of Eden through man's disobedience. Now this wasn't the first example of disobedience. No, the Bible says that before man came on the scene, uh, the enemy, which was one of the greatest and most amazing angels of God went through the same thing. You see the enemy thought that he was greater than your OD and thought that all the blessings and the glory that God enjoyed, he should enjoy and forgot that he was a created being. And as a result of this, he was cast out of heaven and essentially he and all who followed him and cursed. Now God, in his tremendous and wonderful warfarin has provided a means for all of us to continue to connect with him. Speaker 0 00:04:12 But unfortunately, after that first original scene, in which the enemy thought he was blind, we seem to have fallen in our sin of disobedience. God created us and we all long in our hearts and our souls to reconnect with our heavenly father. But unfortunately in many men and by men, I mean men and women and populate the surf, go through life, looking more long for something to fill that place in our hearts that only God can occupy. And I believe that it was this desire to seek out gun that we misconstrue and therefore place our faith and our loyalties in things that we shouldn't. And one of the most pronounced ways in which they do this is that we tend to do this in Kings and other individuals who are appointed to us. Now, God clearly says in his word that rulers are necessary and government is necessary. Speaker 0 00:05:18 God establishes government to keep peace and to keep water. And he also gives government sovereign power over things like the laws and the enforcement. And we should all obey and do right? As long as it doesn't go against God, that's our responsibility. The problem comes in when we take me sovereign nature of those who are above us. And we elevate them to something that is greater than God, many people in the Bible, for example, we'll hear the scripture, the love of money. And then they fill them. Glenn is the root of all evil. Now, when you listen to that, the verses not saying money is the root of volume. What a lot of people think. And there's some belief amongst some followers and believers in God that God intends for us to be poor. That could be the furthest thing from the truth. God himself said that he came to and we would have life and have it. His desire for us is not to be poor, but it's to be blessed in spirit and truth. And God loves us as his children. So all blessings, you will heap upon us and give us so that we may prosper both in this life and in the world. Speaker 0 00:06:39 But unfortunately, many times what we tend to do is we tend to take our longing and our love for our father. And we tend to place all those accolades and those longings on an individual. Now, as I was mentioning with money, for some people, money is that individual, some people worship money in the power and freedom that it provides. And don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's wrong to have money. I'm not saying that money is bad. Money itself is not bad. It's the level. And the reason why the love of God says the root of all evil is because when you love something elevated above God, that thing with them. And one thing about God is that he will not share his sovereign rule and his rightful place, which is the head with anything, any creature or the created. And so we have to be careful and I ask you many people don't even realize that to really love God. Speaker 0 00:07:43 And to get to know him is an amazing thing. I'll say in my Christian world, that it was hard for me at times, I didn't really pay attention to the need, to set aside some time every single day to go and find God and to talk with him. And God invites this. He says, you know that in Philippians two, 10 and 11, that name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow. And every tongue confess Jesus' crisis war, but he tells us this powerful one. So powerful that at his name, every name everywhere, no matter what ruler you are, how much power you have on you shall bow. And every tongue confess that Jesus. Speaker 0 00:08:31 And so let's imagine this for a moment, the way we approach human monarchs, uh, let's look at the, some of the characteristics as we know, probably currently, but definitely in the past, the King or queen could just not be approached by anybody. If you walked into their presence, get your head cut off. You can just run up to the King or queen and say, Hey, I want to talk to you or even touch them even today. In most instances, you have to bow. When you come before them, you have to kiss their hand or maybe even kiss their feet. Some instances you have to walk in backwards, you can't go to the King and petition them. You have to go through a proxy. And all of these things are placed in the possession of these individuals. And how does one become a King? Well, usually it's by birth. Speaker 0 00:09:24 The baby had nothing to do with who they were born or who they were born to. They're just born. And all of a sudden, all of these accolades and these specific rules of favoritism are placed upon an individual because of the bloodline. Now, while again, Kings and Queens are part of, you know, judicial and parliamentary authority. Uh, one has to be careful, especially when one worships them and treat them as if they're greater than God. Now it is okay to be reverential and to respect the position that Kings and Queens. But we have to be very careful once again, that we don't idolize them and place them in a position that should be reserved for them. And I want you to contrast the blessing that God provides as the sovereign. First of all, you might be confused as God's sovereign Lord says in Proverbs 21, one, the Lord can control them. Speaker 0 00:10:28 Control a King's mind. As he controls a river, he directs it as he pleases. So Kings might think that they're empowering. Everything might look like it's all there is, but actually at the end of the day, it's God who's really in charge Kim King. Nebuchadnezzar's learned this the hard way. When he sat around and said, Oh, look at all that I've created by my hand. And God showed up and turned him essentially into the equivalent of a wild animal until he came to his senses. This was a Babylonian King, not even a believer, a pagan, if you will. But he was humbled by the almighty God who had given him all the blessings and in the snap of a finger, took all the blessings away, drove him to act like a wild animal. So that one, he came out of this period. He had to give reverence to the ordinary. Speaker 0 00:11:23 God enables us as humans to make choices. And by choices, we point Kings in some Kings of good, some bad, some Kings are neutral, but the King is not God, God is the sovereign and God is in charge. And as I said, it says, the Lord can control a King's mind. As he controls a river, you can direct it as he pleases. And you saw this when Pharaoh and the Egyptians and the Lord caused Pharaoh's heart to harden so that he would not allow the people of Israel to go. And Pharaoh complied with that. And Israel and Egypt was punished as a result. And in the end, not only did they heroes leave Egypt, but they also took the gold and jewelry. The wealth region within the Lord can clause. Even your enemies bless them, but you'll say, well, Kings following the path of John God's a King. Speaker 0 00:12:23 Yeah. Didn't you just say he was the King of Kings. Yes, he is the King of Kings, but I would maintain to you that we have a benevolent. You see, modern day Kings are too busy, worrying about their appearances and what other people think about them and all that kind of stuff. God doesn't care. God has gone. God is sovereign. God controls. And he doesn't need anything from us. He owns it already. You don't believe me in Psalms 50 and 10. God says for all the animals of the forest are mine. And I own all the cattle on a thousand Hills. I know that every bird on the mountains and all the animals of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I wouldn't tell you for all the world is mine and everything in it. So when you talk about Kings and what they earn all this money, God owns it. All. Everything belongs to him, seen him unseen. Speaker 0 00:13:20 So I think part of the reason why we don't seek God out is because we think God is like, you know, regular Kings. I mean, the closest thing to Kings we get sometimes is the way we treat movie stars. You know, some people they'll die. They see a movie star, they faint and all this kind of stuff. Right? And we think that those people, these movie stars or these athletes are these greater than life figures represent the ultimate so much that we idolize with worship them. And you know, we want to be like them. And in a sense, that's good. It helps us to dream, to aspire to greater things. But we must realize that, you know, they're not gone. And one of the most incredible things is oftentimes they're too busy to pay attention to us. Again, that attention we crave. That's looking for that acceptance. Speaker 0 00:14:15 These movie stars, not any fault of their own. They just don't have the time to cater to a million people. Now, social media helps. It gives you the impression, but really they don't know who you are. And I think to be honest, this is the reason why we don't seek God. God is the creator of the universe, the owner of everything, wealth beyond a man from nation, the cattle on a thousand Hills, the planets, the suns, the stars, everything belongs to you. And yet he desires for you to just take a few seconds, a few minutes out of every precious day that he gives you and communicate with him the way a loving child communicates with you. Father, if you're a parent, you know what I mean? Isn't it beautiful when your child seeks you out and comes to you just to talk to you, God is omniscient. Speaker 0 00:15:11 So he can treat and interact with every single one of us as if we were the only one that existed in Cuba and he desires to be with him. So you don't have a King who doesn't care about you. You've got a King that knows every intimate detail. It says before you were formed in the womb, he knew you. He says you were wonderfully and magnificently created. Think about it. If you had the job that God had to create a new and unique human being that was never created before and would never be graded again. Every single day, every single time someone was born, he breaks the mold. Every single time. One of us has created. And as I told you before, and this is why people cry at funerals. They cry at funerals because once that person dies, they know they will never see them on earth. Again, the mold has been broken. Speaker 0 00:16:13 We must therefore always realize that this omniscient God, this amazing kind of benevolent father, who's done all this, gave the life of his son and bless us with his spirit. He desires to communicate with us. Unlike our earthly Kings, who cut off people's heads. And they attack people. If people come into the thing I beloved and loving father, he does his best to show us love. And he does his best to find us. And he desires that. We talk with him every single day. And if we do that, he promises that he'll be with us when you were a child and your parents left you in school. Oftentimes it was hard to sit in school because you said to yourself, Oh, my parents are gone. And I know a lot of young kids, myself included, you would cry. We call that separation anxiety. And as we come adults, we get away from it. Speaker 0 00:17:16 But some of us had met. Homesickness is another form of separation anxiety. But look at our beautiful God. He knows that we have this. So what does he tell us? He says, he'll never leave or forsake us. He says, before he left, I am with you always, even until the ends of the earth. And unlike the King will cut your head off. If you go into the wrong space at the wrong time, God says to, this says this to us, Hebrews four 16, he says, let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. God tells us to pray without ceasing to come to him at every time. And he says, in this, if you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. So brothers and sisters, I want to tell you, as you go through life, when you're looking for your King, your queen, whoever that might be realize that the greatest, most powerful omniscient being in the universe wants to know you just for who you are. He created you uniquely loves you. He says, even the hairs on the top of your head. Speaker 0 00:18:46 And you know, when things happen, he sits around. I can imagine him saying, Hey, look at my son, my daughter down there. I love them so much. He tells people about that little jump in your parents, either claim that's him letting them know, because even though we're born of them, we really belong. We're on loan while we're down. But we go back to him and I'll leave you with this rather than sisters. You know why they say babies smile so much. It's because babies have just left God's presence. And they're probably still thinking about what it was like when they were there with him. So let me challenge you to do this today. Brothers and sisters, don't wait one more second today, take some time and talk to your father that he's not like the Kings that you read about and let him know that you love him. Speaker 0 00:19:45 Leave each day and answer this question. Have you spoken with your father to speak with us each day? I pray, Oh Lord, that we learn how to reach out to you and to love you as true children who love and adore their father. And I pray that the words that I've spoken today can touch the listeners. And that those who hear this message will realize the beauty that comes in communication with you. And I pray you reveal yourself to them as you continue to do each day in the name of your precious son, my master in front of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and by the power of your spirit, God I give thanks. Thank you for listening to this episode of life's lessons in God's word. This podcast is produced by Dr. Alfonso Brown, and there's a product of Speaker 1 00:20:49 Guiding life ministries that are G that's guiding life ministries, that org, if you liked what you heard today, please visit our website and subscribe. Also, if you feel anyone could be blessed or benefit from this podcast, please feel free to share it on Twitter, Instagram, and wherever you get your podcasts. I love it. We love the work that we do, and I will continue to produce this word and honor, and reverence to our Lord, all that he does. And if you've been touched by this message, consider seeking out and moaning more about God, visit your local church and see if you can study on the foundational principles of the Lord, Jesus Christ and what he means. I enjoy this time that I spend with you each time beloved until we meet again, make God's richest blessings. Plus you, your family, peace be with you and love always Speaker 2 00:21:47 <inaudible>.

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