Life Lesson 2: Identify Your Purpose

Episode 2 October 02, 2020 00:21:38
Life Lesson 2: Identify Your Purpose
Lifes Lessons From God's Word in 3D Surround Audio
Life Lesson 2: Identify Your Purpose

Oct 02 2020 | 00:21:38


Show Notes

Have you ever wondered why are you here on earth. Do you struggle to find purpose and fulfill life's goals. This Podcast episode will help you to identify your life's purpose and pursue it with vigor. All teaching is backed by GOD's word and illustrated with real world advice and practical examples.

Dr. Brown challenges and shows you how to start living the life of your dreams full hope, purpose and focus 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:06 Even beloved. God says in his word, Proverbs 29 and 18, where there is no vision. The people perish reminds me of a song that Diana Ross used to sing in her song. She sang an ass. Do you know where you're going to do you like the things that life has shown me? Where are you going to do? You know, no brothers and sisters, that could be a song about life. Because in this life, we all need to sing that song. We need to ask this question. What is your purpose? Let me ask you a serious question. What will you be doing tomorrow evening at around this time? What was that? You said, listen, the answer is you do not know. I don't know. She doesn't know. He doesn't the only person that knows is the almighty God. He's the only one. So anybody who is selfish or proud enough to think that they can predict what they're going to be doing tomorrow. Speaker 0 00:01:13 Let me tell you something that's wrong. So let me ask you this next question. What plans our dreams? Are you holding on to saying I will get it done tomorrow? I would like to do it, but listen that word. But you know, we could put it on tombstones because there are so many different dreams in this world that we're stocked because people chose to use that word instead of choosing to I will and I will get it done. Think about it. Let me ask you this question. This is some serious stuff. I'm not joking around in who I, because there are very few people in the world who get up every single day and they know what their purpose is. Let me tell you something. Those people, that 20%, they're the ones running the rest of the 80% of the world because they know what their goal is. Speaker 0 00:02:08 They know the focus and what ends up happening is, as I mentioned in the scripture, without the vision, the people perish, or maybe yet without the vision, your dreams perish. Think about this question for a second. You got your attention. What exactly would you do? If you knew that you couldn't fail? What dream have you deferred that you would act on right away? If you knew that you couldn't fail, some people would say, well, I want to be a millionaire. So I guess I would work hard. And yet that dumb, well, what's stopping you right now. Some people would say, I would want to win the lottery because I do X and Y and Z. Well, you can do X and you can do Y and you can do Z. Want me to prove it to you? For example, if you said I would win the lottery and pay off all my bills. Speaker 0 00:02:55 Well, you can start paying your bills right now. Maybe not pay off the whole thing, but over time with consistent effort, you'd say I'd take trips around the world. Well, listen, you can start with taking a trip right outside and discover the world in front of you because I guarantee you, there is somebody in this world I can help and can read. So help yourself. And some people say, I would never have to worry about money. Again. Let me tell you something. If you back on your goals with purpose, you figured out your, if you don't have to worry about money again, because the money will come and find you. Now, I'm not saying you'll be rich overnight. Let me tell you something. If you focus and act on your goals with bigger and pursuit, you will be blessed and the money will find you. The Bible says in Hebrews, and it is appointed unto men once to die. That's Hebrews nine, 20. Guess what though? When we read it again to you, it is appointed on the man wants to die. You know that? I know that we all know that, but the thing that this doesn't tell us, you notice. Speaker 0 00:04:11 So you know, what's coming. So let me ask you this, the question. If you know something like death is coming, how are you preparing for it? Well, I know it's coming, so I'm gonna just do what I have to do. Well, let me tell you something. That's not good enough. You know why? Because we're all here for a purpose. Maybe let me frame it another way. Think of life like a chess tournament. So we're all born, right? So let's say on the day that you're born, you're told two things are told, listen, at some point in your life, you're going to have to play a chess game. And in that chess game, if you do not win it, you are going to die. Who will take you this orphan, you will never be heard of, again, you'll die. If you win that chess game, you get to not only live, but you get to live as long as you want. Speaker 0 00:04:55 Alright? And the other thing that you can do is you can teach other people how to play this game, which your newfound notes. The other thing is you will get everything that you need on your imagination, all of your needs. Now, if you can just bring that chest, the only thing is you don't know when you're going to play the game and you're not told who you're going to play the game against. Let's look at the scenarios. Let's say I played the game and I played it against somebody. Who's just learning how to play tests the day before. Not very good. I have a pretty good chance of surviving that donut. And then let's look at them. The other scenario where you play the game, but you play it against a grand master of chess. Who's never lost. If I never practice, how do you think I would do? Speaker 0 00:05:42 Well, let me tell you something. If this was the case and we all knew that we were going to go. If we lost that chess game, how many chest experts do you think there would be in the world? How many people not wanting to die would spend every breathing day of their life. Learning about chess, studying the moves, downloading all information. Following the masters, you get what I'm saying here. You would become master chess and you'd always practice and prep your game every day. Moving towards that goal, wanting to be undefeated, wanting to be unbeatable, because you knew the consequences of losing that game literally could cost you your life. So let me tell you something. Why is it that we don't fill our goals in life with the same vigor that we would with a chess match in which life was? And I've already asked you this question. I may ask it to you another way. How would you approach life that you only had 21 days left to live? What would you do? Speaker 0 00:06:48 Think about your legacy. If you've got children as a family, what would you want to make sure is here? Let me ask you this question. If you say I would do all these things, but I wouldn't have time to do it, but I would try my best to do it. Let me say this to you. How do you know that is not your future? Do you know you're going to be here three days from now, 21 days from now a year from now, you don't, none of us do so. The time to build your future is today. Because the only thing that's promised to us is the present. What do you say? There's just too much to do. I can't do it. You know, I want to do these things, but it would take years to do it. I need to do it fast. I need to lose weight tomorrow. Well, listen, man, if you're overweight and significantly overweight, you probably didn't get that way overnight. So work hard to see if you can correct it. Now that would be my approach too. Speaker 0 00:07:54 And listen, don't be dismayed by the work. The Bible says that God is happy to see the work begin. Every fight starts with a spark, every skyscraper, one grip of one core of cement and every amazing individual who's accomplished. Anything started with a dream which eventually became. Now. It is said that if you cannot summarize a concept in three sentences or less than you do not truly understand this. Let me ask you this question, summarize this concept. <inaudible> what is your purpose? Let me ask you this. Why are you breathing and taking up space in this world? Speaker 0 00:08:46 You said, I don't know. Well, that's not good enough. You only get that answer when you're born. And until you realize that you are a living, breathing, human, that can contribute to what we have and your goal and your focus should be that you need to do all you can to figure out why you're here and to work diligently towards that goal until you accomplish it. But in order to do that, you got to put in the work. You see many of us want to achieve things, but we don't want to put in the work. And the Bible talks about this. God says in his word, you shall reap what you sow. It actually says, God is not mocked. You shall reap what you sell. And let me tell you something. Everything that God says is true, but this one sticks out. Because if you do not put in the time, you are not going to obtain the fruit. You might, you might get what we call lucky, but that luck doesn't happen all the time. And let me tell you something about women, that things I've learned in my life about what is that? The harder you work, the more of it you seem to have, you feel me create your own luck by being prepared and working through that. When an opportunity presents itself, when the greatest position to take it. Speaker 0 00:10:09 And what God is saying is that once you put in is what you get out. And the currency of what you put in is hard. Work, insistence, hard work, and consistency will help you to obtain those things that you're working, the lemon and 23. It says it all told there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. One talking to you right now. Let me tell you something. If I don't have one, but I'm telling you what I'm telling you. And it's just that it's tough and pop doesn't achieve any talk. Just makes our ears, tickling it excites our brain. Maybe it can create some visuals and you got to put action behind your tongue. In order to accomplish action. Work is amazing in the Bible. God talks about this. He says faith without works from James and so consistency because when you start to work towards that struggles, you're not going to want it Brian, every day or put in your time. You don't want to stay in the bed, or you're going to say, <inaudible> I tell you this because I've experienced it. You ask anyone who's accomplished the same thing. Speaker 0 00:11:51 That's the first thing. That's the goal. Setting consistency, consistency in <inaudible> and get that vision. The vision is very important because if you don't get the vision and you don't push forward, you're not going to be able to realize the dream. The vision is so important that God tells us to get the vision and to write it down. He tells us to write it down and make it plain so that it can be seen. And that when we are able to understand and articulate it, not only will we see it, but everyone else will see it when we put the appropriate action. And as you work towards your goal, one of the things I want to encourage you to do is always humbling. Thank God. Thank you. At the beginning of the task, at the middle of the task, and thank him. When you reach your goal and Deuteronomy eight 17 says, you may say in your heart, the power and strength of my hand has made this wealth firm, but versus teen comes around and says, but remember that is as Lord, your God who gives you the power to gain wealth? Speaker 0 00:13:22 And you might say, no, it's not God it's me. Well, you can fit whatever you want, but I can tell you I've studied these principles all my life. And I tell you this, it is God who blesses you. It is God who creates the circumstances. And when the heart is right and the man is right, he is able, or she is able to push through to accomplish great things. And God has blessed us with all the things he could give us. What did he give us? His word, his son, his word are the promises. His son is the gift and the action, the faith and the action behind it is what brings the blessings. Every single gift you need is already been provided to God has placed these things in the spiritual realm. And it is up to us to reach up, to grab them and bring them down through our faith and our action into the physical realm. Speaker 0 00:14:15 And when we do that, God promises the following in province 18 and 16, he says a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before. Great men. I'll read that again. A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. I have experienced this personal and see when I was young, I was a young kid. I remember watching a famous football star, run a touchdown. And I said to my dad, you know, dad, I want to play football. My father said to me, no, you should consider medicine because medicine is a universal gift. You can go and practice Speaker 1 00:14:52 And become a doctor. And when you play football, you're limited to only the places where they play football. I said to my father, I said, well, I'll think about it. It seemed like from that day, with that encouragement from my dad, the seed was planted in my heart. And I grew up in a rough community in an inner city. I've seen people heal. I've had friends, who've gone to jail, I've seen it all. And I grew up poor, not rich. My parents didn't have means. They came here with nothing and sacrifice, even more, nothing that their children could get a chance to become something. I wrote my first academic paper and pencil because I didn't have a typewriter to type it out. And my teacher encouraged me. He said, you have tremendous potentials. You must continue to work hard and to move forward. I shouldn't have been here. I remember when I was in college, I studied. I was at the top of my class and my advisor for years looked at me when I told him I wanted to go to Harvard. And he said, don't even apply them. Nobody in 30 years has gotten into Harvard anymore school. You're not going to go there for medical school apply somewhere else. Speaker 1 00:16:01 I was dumbfounded in shot because I'd met with him month after month for four straight years. And what I decided to do and what I did was I applied to Harvard and I got in and I got into every other school that I applied to. And I'm a doctor today. And this kid from the inner city, we like break dancing, like to hang out. We experienced all the beauties of life in this community that so many people reject and feel bad about this child of immigrant parents who didn't have much, but who God gave a vision. This child walked and worked hard. And eventually I wrote papers and I wrote papers that have been published and book chapters that have been published. And I've spoken all over the world because you see God said to me that my gifts will put me before great men. Speaker 1 00:16:53 And maybe one of the greatest things that I said in recent news, that a paper I'd written starting from that first paper that I wrote in pencil and paper that I had written an individual in another country had submitted that paper as part of his defense for his PhD thesis written by the kid from Brooklyn, God blessed and pushed him. So let me tell you beloved don't ever give up on your dream, believe in yourself, write your vision down because God has given you the vision and the dream. And he says to you, write it down, make it plain, make it clear so that when you write it down and it's there, it's a testimony to what he's given you. And he will work through as you approach him with your action so that you can achieve that vision. Speaker 1 00:17:47 And beloved. I say this because if I can do it, I know you, the only difference between me is that I work hard for what I want. I'm not looking for a way to get it tomorrow. I'm looking for a way to start working towards it, because I know that if I continuously work towards it, my consistency is going to get me everywhere. Let me tell you the two most powerful things in this world are constant action and consistent action and vision. You have consistent and constant action working towards your goals. There's almost a 100% chance that you will get. So it's all about for me to be beloved. I want to sell you this no matter where you are, or you can be incarcerated in that jail, you can be out on the street. Homeless. You'll be the CEO of a major company. Well, you can be the person who cleans the toilets, sweeps the floor. Speaker 1 00:18:42 Let me tell you whatever you do in life, do it with purpose, do it as unto God, because God has given you those gifts, that talent and that ability. And if you feel that you've done too much and you'll never get it, I say, cast that out and look forward in strength. Realizing that if you look to God and ask him to amplify your gifts, he will. So my action item for you today, my brothers and sisters is to write your gift down, make it plain. It says in Habakkuk two and two, the Lord replied, write down the vision and make it plain. Write your vision down and then take action. Don't wait till tomorrow. Don't say, but take action today and then know what your goals are. Because by knowing your goals, you can assess where you're going and see how much progress. If the light is not directed, it becomes the fuse. Speaker 1 00:19:44 The one, the widest focus becomes the fuse and it becomes strong. Great. And let me tell you one last thing, brothers and sisters, you are a lion. God says you are the light of the world. A city that is set upon a Hill cannot be hidden. And listen to this. Have you noticed something about life? You can have the darkest dark, darkest, dark, no matter how dark the dark is, it cannot extinguish the light. Once you light. It illuminates even darkest dark. That tells me that the light that was set up by God to overcome whatever darkness. Speaker 1 00:20:32 And he promises that if you get your vision, write it down and then you put action consistency behind it. That's your talents. And your gifts will bring you before great men. And ultimately you will hear him say, well done my good and faithful servant in whom I'm well pleased, father. I want to thank you with a word that you've brought. I pray that my soul and my heart is I put them into these words will bless the healers and touch them. And I pray by the strength of your spirit and by the power of your son, that these words will not come back without doing what you mean to accomplish, which is to encourage your body in the blessing of now we ask this in Jesus name, join me next time, brothers and sisters, as we will study another topic and look at life's lessons in God's word.

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